General Fund Operations
WOJ provides many services for fund operations. WOJ can provide ongoing consultation regarding your fund’s general operational and administrative needs. WOJ has the know-how and talent to assist in the development of new funds, including assisting with fund structures, domicile, taxes and much more. WOJ’s team have worldwide network experience and contacts spanning a vast awry fund services and people. From administration to compliance to marketing needs to meeting investors or broker dealers, WOJ can assist.
Processing of Subscriptions and Redemptions
WOJ will handle all tasks relatedness to the process of investor capital infusion t the fund, including processing subscription agreements, and redemption. We will ensure your offering documents such as the offering memorandum is compliant and investor ready; that taxes are classified correctly; that redemption requests are accurate and verified; that distribution amounts are calculated correctly.
ERISA Tracking
WOJ assists with ERISA tracking. Funds that exceed 25% of capital from investors covered under ERISA are subject to increased regulation and liability that funds that do not. Our staff tracks the percentage of capital owned by such investors . This will help ensure that the fund avoids going over this 25% limit.
Other Customized Services
WOJ can assist with virtually any fund structure that is domiciled in the world;s most popular places to setup a fund. Feel free to reach out to us for any service you may need. If we cannot assist we will refer you at no cost – with no referral payment to us – to a third party.